The second in a sporadic series of sudoku product reviews. I came across Sudoku for Kids when my two daughters started asking me what I was doing with all the numbers in the “box thing”! Both of them are pretty bright (proud parent thing going on here) and have good number skills but I thought it might help their logical thinking skills too.
Sudoku for Kids starts with the same premise, that childrens’ brains need a bit of stretching in different directions as they grow and then it provides a package which walks them through the early stages of becoming a sudoku solver. All of the puzzles can be printed out and start really low down with a 4×4 grid just to get them in the right thinking mode.
The buying experience is the usual internet fare, sales page with a load of testimonies. I just jumped to the price! Paypal is the delivery method….what you haven’t got paypal yet (and you’re on the internet)…get that sorted out, no matter what else you do 🙂
If you’re the type that needs to know the “damage” beforehand – this package is selling for $7.99 and is delivered electronically. You can reach it directly here.