As I have been looking around in the course of learning how to play sudoku, I have found a lot of other sites on the internet that focus on many different aspects of sudoku and lots of sudoku techniques.
Of course, I’m hoping that my own peculiar style will have kept you entertained and that you will continue to read here but I think it is always good to have a different perspective on subjects as complex as sudoku.
As a result, I am going to start a collection of useful links in my blogroll. Hopefully, they will take you even further in your quest.
If you are a Windows user, there is one that you should visit immediately. Angus Johnson is the creator of the fantastic “Simple Sudoku” program which you can use very quickly to get a good idea of remaining candidates in your puzzle. I try to solve as much as I can before ever turning on the candidate view but this is a really good way to start to “see” the shapes of influence that individual givens have. I recommend this wholeheartedly….and it’s free! Angus, thanks, you are a star!
I have also included a link to the Sudoku Programmers forum, just in case you are interested in creating a computer based sudoku solver of your own (even though this site is really about helping humans, not computers!)